National Treasure: Book of Secrets

Another action-packed holiday family movie from entertainment giants Jerry Bruckheimer and Walt Disney Pictures, this is the second installment in the National Treasure franchise, a weird mix of treasure hunts, conspiracy theories, and American history.
John Bartha is hilarious as Ripley Poole, once again stealing the show from Nicholas Cage and the lovely Dianne Kruger, while Jon Voight too reprises his role as Ben Gates's agitated father. Throw in Helen Mirren as the semi-bitchy mom, and you've got yourself a family reunion.
Of course, us older audiences will know better than to accept the story with no questions asked, but again the line between fact and fiction may not be clear to the kids. These children might develop a false interest in American history, suddenly listening attentively in history class, hoping for a clue to a hidden treasure. But kids, there is no such thing. It's just a movie. But then again, to a child, movies are the bearers of truth, and no one can tell them to believe otherwise.
Rating: Three stars.
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