Coming Soon: Where the Wild Things Are
Some people may not be familiar with the title Where the Wild Things Are, even if you tell them it's a children's picture book. But show them the drawings, and it just might ring a bell for them.
Where the Wild Things Are, by the great Maurice Sendak, won the Caldecott medal (which is like the Oscars for children's books) way back in 1964, and even today parents still buy this book for their kids. This book is regarded as a classic in American children's literature, even if it is very, very short. It's so short you can read it in less than a minute. But it's the pictures that transport the reader into another universe, where the wild things dwell.
Yet despite its brevity, Warner Bros. will be making it into a movie. In fact, they already started. They are currently in post-production.
So how will they stretch ten sentences into at least ninety minutes? Leave that to the talented Spike Jonze, who is hopefully the perfect choice to pull this off.
*some info from and wikipedia
pic from
Where the Wild Things Are, by the great Maurice Sendak, won the Caldecott medal (which is like the Oscars for children's books) way back in 1964, and even today parents still buy this book for their kids. This book is regarded as a classic in American children's literature, even if it is very, very short. It's so short you can read it in less than a minute. But it's the pictures that transport the reader into another universe, where the wild things dwell.
Yet despite its brevity, Warner Bros. will be making it into a movie. In fact, they already started. They are currently in post-production.

*some info from and wikipedia
pic from
ohhh exciting! i love this book! thasnk for the update - it seems like EVER since this was set up. and i think it was made here in melbourne or maybe i'm delirious.
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