American Icons: Farrah Fawcett

This is my obituary for Farrah Fawcett. I intentionally made it one week late, because Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson both died on the same day, and of course, MJ got most of the attention.
I never knew Farrah Fawcett. Yes, I know Charlie's Angels. But I never watched it. Okay, so she's one of the original Angels. But again, I never watched that show.
Okay, so she also had that classic seventies hair. But I'm not a girl, so I don't care. (Wow, that rhymes.)
In fact, I never knew anything about Farrah Fawcett. But my mom seems to be a fan.
My only memory of Farrah Fawcett is this: One day, when I was like three or four years old, I first heard my mother mention the name "Farrah Fawcett." And all I could think of was a faucet, a literal, plumbing-related faucet, that had two legs and high-heeled shoes. A walking faucet. That's my only memory of her.
Farrah Fawcett. 1947-2009.
*pic from
there's something oddly disturbing about that last paragraph. =|
Ooh sorry if I offended the fangirl in you. :|
punyeta, winner! hahahaha!
also pwede ka ng gumawa ng popsong. "Okay, so she also had that classic seventies hair. But I'm not a girl, so I don't care. " hahaha.
^haha. told you, claire, dapat ikaw nalang gumawa ng obituary, kasi ganu'n din, wala tayong alam pareho kay ms. faucet hehe.
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