Pushing Daisies. Season 2, Episode 10: The Norwegians

I love it when things get messy. You've got a runaway zombie here, another group of detectives sniffing your butt there. Plus heartbreaking lines everywhere. Comedies are usually more effective in giving me teary-eyed inducing dialogue since it hits you while you're most vulnerable---heart opened without defenses because of laughter. Also, Ned just tossed Olive a "I wouldn't say never." Exclamation point, exclamation point, and a SQUEEEEE. Some cynics might say that he's letting Olive dangle in the sidelines (pun unintended since they were hanging on a tree branch, yes tree branch, while he said that) and I couldn't agree more. But it doesn't make it less awwww-inducing or less perfect for a shy, keep-it-all-in character (Ned) to let a love triangle member dangle in that way. I love it when they twist the cliché love triangle to make it their own. (Yes, for future notes, I would probably be saying that line over and over and over again.) Also, Olive gets hit on by a lesbian which is probably stereotyping (and the Norwegian-thing was probably racist) but it is soooo cute that I don't mind it. Because hey, Olive tries to flirt with a lesbian! (Or bi, whatever.)
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