Pushing Daisies. Season 2, Episode 11: Window Dressed to Kill

First and foremost----ffsdaksruwruklflsdjfowierafa jdwoiruaojaajl!!!!!1!!!!! I knew it! I fucking knew it! Of course, it was predictable, but still! They made a fine damn establishment of how the Ned and Olive relationship will grow. And grow, it did. And I am loving, and laughing off, every minute of it. The mystery of the day was also tight too, and good old fun, since there wasn't too much of help from Ned's "magic finger." The direction was priceless. The mystery story may not have mirrored the exploration of Ned/Olive's relationship but the camera techniques, etc., in executing said story mirrored Ned's realization of...watch the goddamn episode. You know what I'm talking about. (I am so full of glee right now I think I'm about to finish my thesis in one sitting. Or blog about it, whatever.) Also, this is the episode that made me realize I found the new television series obsession I've been looking for after five goddamn years. (Excitement makes me curse.)
hey have to ask. until what ep was pushing daisies able to air season 2? was there some sort of ending or was it left hanging when it got cancelled?
The series was canceled. But they tried to wrap up things with their supposed season finale: episode 13. There was some sort of ending, the thing is, it's actually just "some sort of" type of ending. xp
I heard that Fuller wants to do a movie to plug in the stories left unsaid but he settled for comics. xp
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