Glee. Season 1, Episode 6: Vitamin D

I know I have a thing for bitchy characters but I didn't expect to grow fond of Terri, the wife villain. I don't know, maybe she reminds me so much of Buffy's Cordelia, the annoying bitch that I feel has the right to be sympathized with too. I mean, Will IS Terri's husband and Will should just try to fix his marriage without dragging more trouble in... But before I, of all people, start giving relationship advice (and oh hell no, not on two-timing people, I'm utterly surrounded), let me just point out that Kurt, I love you. That facial expression in your mash-up number was made of yummy win. I know you're gay and all, but please. Marry me. We'll just be lesbians! Lesbians are still called gays in your society, right? I wouldn't rob you of your identity, you'd still be gay.
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