The Vampire Diaries. Season 1, Episode 5: You're Undead to Me

I love the set-ups. Yes, I am loving The Vampire Diaries. It's making vampires actually scary, or at the very least, sexy and edgy again. Aside from the few cheesy moments and lines, this episode is as fast as all the episodes combined. And I know it's hard to believe, but it's a good thing. At the end of the episode, I thought, what? It's finished already? But trying to remember what just happened, I remember a lot of things actually happening. How it managed to be that fast but still able to squeeze all those scenes is beyond me. Update on the characters: Jeremy is finally becoming less annoying, and his girlfriend and fellow stoner Vicky more understandable. The hot witch finally gives in to her witchiness--she's the only slow-paced character in this series. Caroline becomes more than Damon the Evil Vampire's lap dog--her kicking Damon was a bit satisfying. And finally, Elena, though not that extraordinary, is at least not a damsel in distress, acting more smart, normal, and less neurotic than her other two best friends (which is ironic because she's the one who lost her parents and is dating a vampire). I believe that Elena's normality is her character's strength. The way she sought the vampire revelations were most satisfactory. An epiphany, yes, but a good epiphany that was properly set-up, making me smile like a dork at the end of the episode.
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