Important Things with Demetri Martin Season One

Okay for those of you who do not know who Demetri Martin is, the easiest way to make you go "Ahhhh" is that he used to be a writer for Conan O' Brien in Late Night.
Surely you still don't know him, but I guess you now know what kind of comedy he brings.
Demetri Martin is probably the most talented young comedian today. The best way to describe him is he comes across as a young Jery Seinfeld, finding humor from almost absoultely nothing. That's where his genius lies. He observes and then makes a funny comment about it and we all laugh while at the same time we're thinking "I knew that! I could've made that joke!"
You probably could, but you didn't.

Important Things with Demetri Martin is an extension of his stand-up comedy. I guess this is a staple anyways. Tim Allen with Home Improvement, Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock with their shows. Hell, Seinfeld plays himself in his show! (And as Seinfeld once said, "The show may no longer be on air, but I played myself in it. So I'm still having Episodes!")
Martin's show is a sketch comedy complete with stand up, music (provided by himself), short filmed segments and funny drawings.
I've always been a fan of these types of shows and for the most part, they have been dominated by blacks, most notably by Rock and Chappelle. The problem is, as funny as those two are, the issue of race seems to get thrown in a lot almost as a "Go-to" joke. Yeah it's funny. In fact it's hilarious. But sometimes you need a break from that and that's exactly what Martin provides. A breezy comedy, with no hang ups but still with an edge.
I loved him in his Jon Stewart show stint. :)
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