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Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close Review, or Extremely Boring and Incredibly Zzzzz


Wait... this seems like a movie about 9-11. Which means this is a drama. Boring!

That's obviously CGI.

But wait... this doesn't tackle the terrorist angle that 9-11 films usually go for. This tackles the journey of a young boy as he tries to make ends meet after his father's death. Which still means this is a drama. Boring!

Q: What should the filmmakers do to make this more interesting and less boring?
A: Throw in two Academy award-winners. One Best Actress winner by the name of Sandra Bullock, and another back-to-back Best Actor winner by the name of Tom Hanks.

"My... what a boring script!"

Okay, Sandra Bullock's part was a bit tear-jerky. But Tom Hanks part was... boring!

"You watch your mouth, young man."

Q: What else should the filmmakers do to appease the fans who are annoyed by the mere presence of Sandra Bullock and Tom Hanks?
A: Throw in a lot of familiar faces with decent acting abilities.

1. Viola Davis

"I don't care if this film blows. I'm nominated
for The Help, anyway."

2. John Goodman

"I don't care if this film blows. I'm in The Artist, anyway."

3. Jeffrey Wright

"I don't care if this film blows.
I'm in The Ides of March, anyway."

4. Max Von Sydow

"It's von-see-dough, not von-sigh-dough."

Q: What should the filmmakers do to guarantee that this film doesn't win Best Picture?
A: Cast an annoying kid in the lead role.

The eyes should be a dead giveaway.

Don't get me wrong. This film has a lot of touching moments. But they've been successfully negated by the mere presence of this kid named Thomas Horn.

Okay, before we go, here's the trailer, along with one good and one bad thing about it.

The Good: The use of my favorite U2 song ever, "Where the Streets Have No Name".
The Bad: The false promise that James Gandolfini would be in it.

Thou shalt not falsely advertise Tony Soprano.

Wait, one last thing before we go.

And yes, I just had to put this in here. 

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. USA. 2011.

Rating: Six and a half out of ten.

You might also want to read mumblingmaya's review.


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