Elementary. Episode 22: "Risk Management"
CBS via DCT |
I don't know much about the double-episode format. What's that, you ask? It's basically one story broken down into two episodes, with the first episode ending in a cliffhanger to the next one.
Meanwhile, between episodes, you can go play |
Though, I've seen it used extensively in Doctor Who, I don't see this much in American television. The type of shows that usually use double episodes are procedurals, to build up a mysterious bad guy or something like that. Hey, wait… isn't this a procedural?
"I don't know, Watson. Now, do you mind? I'm brushing my teeth." |
So last episode ended with a phone call with Moriarty's voice. So of course we're expecting Moriarty, right? Sorry. Maybe next episode.
"Where the hell are you looking, Watson?" |
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