Da Couch Tomato

An attempt at a new layout, with horrible glitches, and very minimal knowledge of HTML.

Review: Mumbai Love, or Why the hell is SamYG not in this film?

Mumbai Loveis an ambitious Filipino movie that has a lot of potential and eyeliner. It's a rom-com that uses neat camera tricks (or whatever that's called in film jargon), such as couple-only slow-mo, or magically changing shirts off-frame, and also Bollywood dancing, which in my humble opinion looks better onscreen with a flash mob-like number of participants rather than just a few handfuls. It also aims to bridge the culture gap between Indians and Pinoys.

Ella: "Yes, we can flirt and all, but no kissing even on our wedding.


The Top 13 of 2013

Ah, 2013. It may not have been a good year meteorologically-speaking, but it was a great year for movies. The bad news is we've seen far less movies in 2013 compared to the previous year. The good news is we've seen those that actually matter.

Like most lists, this list isn't perfect. There might be one or two anomalies in here (such as The Lone Ranger) which should've gotten a lower rating, but the other writers of Da Couch Tomato haven't had time to write multiple reviews in order to bring down the average. Some also would've probably made it to the list, if only the writer didn't forget to add a rating (like Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters). But we don't do sleight-of-hand rating changes just because we don't like a film that much. We have integrity, and we stand by our rating. We just add a disclaimer.

Anyway, here are the Top 13 movies of 2013. Clicking on the title links back to the original review. And so we start with...

Number 13

Not a Daft Punk music video.


Review: 10,000 Hours, or If You Only Saw One MMFF Film, This Should Have Been It

Viva Ent on YouTube

I'd just like to answer some allegations that the film 10,000 Hours was about me, or loosely based on my life.

Yup. Totally based on my life.


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